The Ladycats wrapped up volleyball season with a well-played match against Fairfield. #one #championshiphabits
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Dual Credit Government students worked on the branches of government today at MHS. #balanceofpowers #one #mexia_bethebean #championshiphabits
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Tonight’s MHS FFA Meeting included costumes, pizza, and some fun activities. #championshiphabits #one
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Members of the MHS Theatre Arts are ready for the HEB Trunk or Treat. #community @heb #service #one
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Use the link below to see the activities of Mexia High School for the week of October 28, 2019 #ONE #CHAMPIONSHIPHABITS
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Use the link below to access the Mexia High School Tutorial Schedule.
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Thanks to the zombies and runners for making the HERO Group‘s “Zombie 5K” a success. #community #service #leadership #one #mexia_bethebean
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
The HERO Group is getting ready for the Zombie 5K. #bethere #runlikeyourhairisonfire #mexia_bethebean #one
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
They may have been a little cold tonight, but the MHS Cheerleaders did a great job in cheering the Blackcats on to victory. #one #championshiphabits
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Final: Blackcats 41-24 over Robinson. The True Defenders move to 3-1 & host Salado next Friday. #bethere #one #championshiphabits
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
It may be a little brisk in Robinson, but our Blackcats are bringing the heat. #wekat #one #championshiphabits
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Seniors, remember that Herff Jones representatives will be on campus to handle graduation orders during both lunches on Friday (10.25.19). #itsgettingreal #thetasselisworththehassle #one
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
MHS JV Football continued to show good things as they battled Robinson on Blackcat Field. The game was called late in 4th quarter as a result of lightning in the area. #championshiphabits #one
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Thanks for all your hard work, Cheerleaders! #one #championshiphabits #mexia_bethebean
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
The JV Football game vs Robinson was called in the 4th quarter as a result of inclement weather. #staysafe
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
MHS Art I students worked on papier-mâché projects today. #creativity #handsonlearning #one #mexia_bethebean
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Game Update for 10.24.19: JV Football vs. Robinson at Blackcat Field at 6:00 PM. (1 game only)
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Congrats to BJ! He is the MHS Student of the Month (October). #leadership #hardwork #service #family #one #championshiphabits #mexia_bethebean #wekat
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Oct 22 is also the last day to guarantee your t -shirt size is available for the HERO Halloween Zombie Run.. 100% of profits from this 5k will be donated to Limestone County Cancer Support Group by the HEROes. Link for the Pre-Register 5K form:
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School
Tuesday, 10.22.19 is the last day to pre-order "The Phoenix Project" Shirts to support the Gibbs Library re-build... The HERO Group is donating 100% of the profit to Gibbs Memorial Library. Link for the Library T-shirt:
about 5 years ago, Mexia High School