Red Ribbon Week daily dress-up themes

McBay would like to recognize Ms. Dawn Kirven. She is Mexia ISD teacher of the month for October. Congrats Ms. Kirven! #McBay-whereitallbegins

Pumpkin carving in Mrs. Burns' class

Ace Showtime

Cub Scouts informational meeting, Monday October 21st 5pm in the McBay cafeteria

Mexia Police and Fire Department make a special visit to McBay

Practicing sight words while on a break
#McBay-where it all begins

Project Tornado Presentation for McBay with Meteorologist Brady Taylor of KWTX

This morning some of our football players came by to give our students a Great Big Good Morning. Thank you Mexia Football Guys for showing our babies some love! Good Luck Friday!

McBay Open House

McBay Elementary Open House: Tuesday, October 15, 2019. casa abierta: martes, octubre,15, 2019.

Picture Day: Thursday, October 17, 2019. Ya llega el dia de la fotografica de su hijo/a, jueves, 17 de octubre,2019.

No school on Monday, October 14,2019. Due to Staff Development Day. Solo un recordatorio: Debido dr un dia de trabajo para los maestros, No Habra escuela el lunes, 14 de octubre.

McBay Character Ed Pep Rally

McBay Celebrates Homecoming!

National Night Out: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 starts at 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm. Mexia City Park hosted by (Mexia Police Department) free fun family event. El Departamento de Policia tendra un Evento para toda la comunidad en el Parque de la Ciudad de Mexia 1 de Octubre de 2019 6:00 pm-9:00 pm.

Picture Day is coming: Thursday, October 17, 2019 Ya llega el Dia de la Foto: jueves, 17 de octubre, 2019
Forms will be coming home soon. Se mandaran las formas a casa.

Disney Day at McBay!

Dear Parents, I would like to apologize, the homecoming dress-up schedule that was sent home yesterday was the wrong list and did not correlate with the other campus. we have provided the correct schedule today with this letter. Please disregard the list sent yesterday and I am sorry for any confusion. Thanks, Josh Hollingsworth
Queridos Padres, Me gustaria disculparme, el horario de vestimenta de regreso a casa ques fue enviado a casa ayer fue la lista incorrecta y no se correlaciono con el otro campus. Hemos proporcionado, el horario correcto hoy con esta carta. Por favor, ignore la lista enviada ayer y lamento cualquier confusion. Gracias, Josh Hollingsworth
Monday: No School lunes: no hay clases
Tuesday: Twin/Crazy socks day- Grab a friend and be their twin while rocking out with your most crazy pair of socks. Martes: Twin/ Crazy socks day- Coge a un amigo y se su gemelo mientras to balanceas con tu par de calcetines mas locos
Wednesday: Disney Day- Dress up like your favorite Disney or Nickelodeon character! Miercoles: Dia de Disney- Vistete como tu personaje favorito de Disney o Nickelodeon
Thursday: Jersey Day- Dress in your favorite jersey from any sport! Jueves: Jersey Day- vistete con tu camiseta favorita de cualquier deporte!
Friday: Blackcat Spirit Day! Dress in your Blackcat best to show your Blackcat Pride! Viernes: Blackcat Spirit Day! Vistete con tu Blackcat mejor para mostrar tu Blackcat Pride!

Homecoming Week: September 24-27, 2019
Tuesday: Jersey Day- Dress in your favorite jersey from any sport!
Wednesday: Disney Day- Dress up like your favorite Disney or Nickelodeon character!
Thursday: Aloha Day- Dress in your best Hawaiian outfit!
Friday: Blackcat Spirit Day!- Dress in your Blackcat best to show your Blackcat Pride!
Semana de regreso a casa
Martes: Jersey Day- vistete con tu camiseta favorita de cualquier deporte!
Miercoles: Dia de Disney- Vistete como tu personaje favorita de Disney o Nickelodeon!
Jueves: Aloha Day- Vistete con tu mejor atuendo hawaiano!
Viernes: Blackcat Spirit Day!- Vistete con tu Blackcat mejor para mostrar tu Blackcat Pride!