@Mexiablackcats Teachers learning about DMAC @esc12 #Mexia_betheBean

PK and Kinder Round-Up

Blackcat Football is right around the corner! #Mexia_aWEsoME

New asphalt at MHS #Mexia_aWEsoME

Thank you McBay/Sims PTA for the new Playground Equipment #Mexia_aWEsoME

Wednesday, June 26 - testing will include 5th and 8th Reading retest as well as EOC Eng 2. Testing for all campuses begins at 8:00 am. #Mexia_aWEsoME

Tuesday, June 25- STAAR 5th & 8th grade Math Retests and EOC Algebra 1. Testing begins at 8:00 am #Mexia_aWEsoME

EOC English 1 testing will get started at 8:00 am in the MHS library #Mexia_aWEsoME

All faculty, staff, and students please wear maroon on Monday in support of Athens.

The stage is set!! Come out and see the students’ hard work on the Black History program! Very proud of the multicultural club!! Don’t miss it!!