Mexia ISD Athletics - Football practices resume today. The pending student test results were negative. Thank you for your continued patience and support. #Mexia_THRIVE

Mexia ISD Football Practices are cancelled until further notice, pending results of a student's COVID-19 test result. Contact Mexia ISD Athletics with any questions.

La información importante sobre los derechos y responsabilidades de los padres se publica en la página web; consulte los folletos. #Mexia_Thrive

Important Information about Parents' Rights and Responsibilities is posted to the web page - see flyers. #Mexia_Thrive

Back to School Traveling Convocation at AB McBay Elementary. Masks & Socially Distanced #Mexia_THRIVE

Note to Blackcat Nation: The Mexia ISD Return to Learn plan for 20-21 is posted on the Mexia ISD web page at www.mexiaisd.net under the ‘COVID Remote Learning Resources” - don’t forget to register online! #Mexia_THRIVE

Reminder - all students must complete online registration for the 20-21 school year. Need help with online registration? This link provides a short video walk through to help. https://drive.google.com/file/d/17NFcsFIVTrIFkOUFq50feXUAa8P65Pjo/view?usp=sharing

Nuevo plazo para PEBT: beneficios alimentarios. $ 285 por estudiante de 5 a 18 años. Todos los estudiantes de Mexia de 5 a 18 años califican.

New deadline for PEBT - food benefits. $285 per student ages 5-18. All Mexia students ages 5-18 qualify.

Breaking News!
Mexia ISD Board adopted a new calendar for the 20-21 school year. New Teachers report Aug. 11, Returning Teachers report Aug 13, Students report Aug. 27!
We can't wait to see you!

No se lo pierda: ¡la fecha límite para solicitar PEBT es el 31 de julio!

Don't Miss Out - Deadline to apply for PEBT is July 31st!

Last Call to Complete the Survey
Parents, please help us gather information and plan for the upcoming school year by completing the survey found at the link below: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/2021ReopenParents
Survey Closes Thursday Night, July 16

Important Message for MHS Blackcat Athletics from MISD and MISD Athletics:
Due to a current Mexia Athlete being exposed to COVID-19 by a family member who tested positive, the 8am session of EDGE is suspended immediately until results of the student are provided to district administration. When results are received, parents and athletes will be contacted.
EDGE workouts that include Ladycats and MJH athletes will continue as normal. Thank you for your patience during this challenging time.

Blackcats attending summer school or Camp Hero at McBay, Sims and MJH - it starts tomorrow!! Please be patient as we will conduct daily screening at your car before you leave. Screenings begin at 7:30 am. It’s a great day to be a Blackcat!

Parents and HS students, please help us gather information and plan for the upcoming school year by completing the survey found at the links below:
Parents: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/2021ReopenParents
Students: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/2021ReopenStudents

Corrección: Gobernador Abbott extendió el plazo para solicitar P-EBT hasta el 31 de julio. Todos los estudiantes de Mexia ISD son elegibles. yourtexasbenefits.com/Learn/PEBT

Correction - Governor Abbott has extended the deadline to apply for P-EBT to July 31st. All Mexia ISD students are eligible. yourtexasbenefits.com/Learn/PEBT

Please see the COVID update for Mexia ISD from the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. DuBus:

Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) benefits to buy food are available to all students who attend Mexia ISD. Families who receive SNAP do not need to apply. Others may apply at yourtexasbenefits.com/Learn/PEBT June 1 - June 30, 2020