Mexia ISD G/T Nomination Window- Grades K-12
Mexia Independent School District is in the process of accepting nominations for students who would benefit from the special instructional techniques provided by its Gifted and Talented program. Student nominations from parents, teachers and community members will be accepted from February 14 through February 25th. If you know of a student in grades K through 12 whom you believe “performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment academically,” you are encouraged to nominate that student to be assessed for possible placement in the Gifted and Talented program. Student nomination forms are available in each of the campus offices. These forms must be picked up and returned to the campus no later than February 25th. Forms will not be accepted after February 25th. For nominated students who have parental approval, testing will occur during the semester and qualifying students in Kindergarten will be placed in the program by March 1. Students who qualify in grades 1-12 will be placed in the program during the next school year. Please contact your child’s principal or counselor for more information.