RFP Proposals

RFP #2024-04 has been closed.

Addendum #1 - RFP #24-004_FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT

Mexia ISD is requesting proposals for Food Service Equipment - RFP #24-004.  Proposals must be received on or before Tuesday, January 14, 2025, by 4:00 p.m. at 616 N Red River Street, Mexia, Texas, 76667.  Proposals received after 4:00 p.m. CST will not be accepted.   

Interested vendors may download the full RFP from the Mexia ISD website, www.mexiaisd.net/page/rfp-proposials.  For more information, contact Eric Shamblin at eshamblin@mexiaisd.net CC: Lchapa@mexiaisd.net 

Sealed Proposals will be publicly opened on January 15, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.

Mexia ISD reserves the right to accept any proposal which it deems most favorable to the interest of the district and to reject any or all proposals or any portion of any proposal submitted which, in the district's opinion, is not in the best interest of the District.

RFP #24-004

Mexia ISD is requesting proposals for Food Service Equipment - RFP #24-004.  Proposals must be received on or before Friday, January 10, 2025, by 10:00 a.m. at 616 N Red River Street, Mexia, Texas, 76667.  Proposals received after 10:00 a.m. CST will not be accepted.   

Interested vendors may download the full RFP from the Mexia ISD website, www.mexiaisd.net/page/rfp-proposials.  For more information, contact Ruth Gaspard at ruth.gaspard@sfellc.org CC: Lchapa@mexiaisd.net 

Sealed Proposals will be publicly opened on January 10, 2025, at 11:00 a.m.

Mexia ISD reserves the right to accept any proposal which it deems most favorable to the interest of the district and to reject any or all proposals or any portion of any proposal submitted which, in the district's opinion, is not in the best interest of the District.

RFP #2024-03 has been closed.

ADDENDUM #1 - RFP #2024-03 Athletic Apparel

Mexia ISD is requesting proposals for Athletic Apparel - RFP #2024-03.

Proposals must be received on or before Wednesday, May 8, 2024 by 10:00 a.m. CST at 616 N Red River Street, Mexia, Texas, 76667. Proposals received after 10:00 a.m. CST will not be accepted.

Interested vendors may download the full RFP www.mexiaisd.net/page/rfp-proposials. For more information, contact Aaron Nowell at ANowell@mexiaisd.net CC: Lucero Chapa LChapa@mexiaisd.net. Sealed Proposals will be publicly opened on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. CST.

Mexia Independent School District reserves the right to accept any proposal which it deems most favorable to the interest of the District and to reject any or all proposals or any portion of any proposal submitted which, in the District's opinion, is not in the best interest of the District.

RFP #2024-02 has been closed.

ADDENDUM #1 - RFP #2024-02 Walk-In Cooler-Freezer

Mexia ISD is requesting proposals for a Combination Walk-In Cooler/Freezer - RFP #2024-02.

Proposals must be received on or before Monday, April 9, 2024 by 10:00 a.m. at 616 N Red River Street, Mexia, Texas, 76667. Proposals received after 10:00 a.m. CST will not be accepted.

Interested vendors may download the full RFP www.mexiaisd.net/page/rfp-proposials. For more information, contact Alvis Minter at AMinter@mexiaisd.net. CC: Lucero Chapa LChapa@mexiaisd.net. Sealed Proposals will be publicly opened on April 9, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

Mexia Independent School District reserves the right to accept any proposal which it deems most favorable to the interest of the District and to reject any or all proposals or any portion of any proposal submitted which, in the District's opinion, is not in the best interest of the District.

E-Rate RFP has been closed

Posted November 30, 2023: An E-Rate Form 470 has been posted for Mexia ISD. All interested service providers must review the associated RFP(s) located at https://erate.esc12.netForm 470 #: 240000950.

RFP; Grand Stands has been closed.

Mexia ISD is requesting Competitive Sealed Proposals for the demolition of the stadium bleachers at the Blackcat Stadium, Mexia, Texas. Proposals will be received at Mexia ISD Administration Office, 616 N. RedRiver, Mexia, TX. 76667 no later than 12:00PM, Tuesday, November 07, 2023. Mailed proposals must be sent to Mexia ISD, 616 N. Red River, Mexia, Texas 76667.  All mailed proposals must be received, not postmarked, on or before 12:00PM, Tuesday, November 07, 2023. Thereafter, at 1:00PM, proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud.  After proposals are opened, a proposal tabulation will be made, post proposal conferences conducted and recommendations presented to the Owner for consideration in awarding contracts.  Any proposals received after the closing time of 12:00 PM will be returned unopened. 

All interested vendors please see RFP; GrandStand Update 

RFP#22-004 has been closed.

Addendum #1 for RFP#22-004

Changes: 1). Closing date has been extended to July 14, 2022. 2).Electronic RFP is now accepted along with acceptance of postal. 3). Opening Date and Time is now July 14, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. 4). Deadline for questions and Answers has been extended to July 13, 2022 before 6PM.

Mexia ISD is Requesting for Proposals for Food Service Equipment. RFP#22-004.

FAQ RFP#22-004

Proposals will be received until 10:00 A.M. CST, on July 13, 2022 616 N. Red River St. Mexia, TX. 76667 to supply Mexia Independent School District with food service equipment. All costs involved in submitting proposals to Mexia ISD shall be borne in full by the party incurring the said cost. Bids received after 10:00 A.M CST on July 13, 2022 will not be accepted.

For more information, contact the Food Service Director at JLankford@mexiaisd.net. CC: LChapa@mexiaisd.net. Responses will be publicly opened at 1:00PM CST on July 13, 2022 to be evaluated per the criteria specified. 

Mexia Independent School District reserves the right to accept any proposal which it deems most favorable to the interest of the District and to reject any or all proposals or any portion of any proposal submitted which, in the District's opinion, is not in the best interest of the District.

RFP#2021-002 has been closed.

Mexia ISD is Requesting for Proposals of a Food Service Management Company. RFP for FSMC RFP#2021-002 Exhibit C Charts_MISD_RFP No#2021-002

FAQ RFP#2021-002

Proposals will be received until 10:00 A.M. CST, on April 27, 2022 616 N. Red River St. Mexia, TX. 76667 to supply Mexia Independent School District with food service management services during the 2022-2023 School Year, with options for renewal of the Contract for four (4) additional terms of one year each. No intent should be construed from this legal notice that the Mexia ISD intends to enter into a contract with any party for alternative food services unless, in the sole opinion of the District, it is in the District's best interest. All costs involved in submitting proposals to Mexia ISD shall be borne in full by the party incurring the said cost. Bids received at 10:00 A.M CST will not be accepted.

 For more information, contact the Mexia Independent School District at 254-562-4000 x1401. Responses will be publicly opened at 10:30am CST on April 27, 2022 to be evaluated per the criteria specified. 

Mexia Independent School District reserves the right to accept any proposal which it deems most favorable to the interest of the District and to reject any or all proposals or any portion of any proposal submitted which, in the District's opinion, is not in the best interest of the District.

 RFP No.#2021-002