Contact Us:
Mexia High School (254-562-4010): Leann Conner, District RN
Mexia Jr. High (254-562-4020): Donna Spencer, LVN,
R.Q. Sims Intermediate (254-562-4025): Sandy Pack, LVN
McBay Elementary (254-562-4030): Damita Johnson, LVN,
Immunization Requirements
Your child MUST be up to date on ALL immunizations or present a valid exemption form, issued by the Texas Dept. of State Health Services, for them to enroll and/or remain enrolled in school. The link below will show you the immunizations required for Texas schools in English and Spanish. For a vaccination to be valid, it has to include the signature/stamp of the physician or public health personnel and the month, day and year each vaccine was administered. If you have any questions, please contact your child's campus nurse.
Immunizations may be obtained at your primary physician's office or select pharmacies. Department of State Health Services will provide immunizations for those children who qualify. Please call for an appointment as a nurse is not always available.
Mexia DSHS, 939 Industrial Blvd., Mexia, TX 76667, 254/562-3897
Corsicana DSHS, 618 Main, Corsicana, TX 75110, 903/874-6731
Medication Rules- Prescription and over the counter medications require both a licensed healthcare provider's order and parent written request on a medication authorization Form.
Prescription medication must be unexpired and in a prescription bottle/box accompanied by a pharmacy label that states the student's name, medication name and directions for dispensing the medication.
Prescription order must be written/signed by a physician licensed to practice in Texas.
A new order is required for any dosage or medication change on over-the counter medication. Narcotic pain medication's prescribed for temporary medical conditions will not be administered or kept on campus. All medications needed during the school day must be provided and delivered by parent/guardian. Medication(s) will not be accepted without the appropriate completed form(s), including all required signatures. A separate form must be completed for each medication provided for a student. All clinic forms must be signed on or after June 1 to be valid for the upcoming school year and will apply to that school year only. Forms are kept in the nurses office at each school.
Initial first dose of any medication will NOT be administered in the nurses office.
Medication must be kept in the school nurses office and administered by designated Mexia ISD personnel.
No medication will be sent home with a student. Parents/Guardians must pick up all medications whether prescription or over the-counter.
Scheduled medications that can be administered at home will not be administered at school unless a specific time of administration during school hours is prescribed by a physician
A student may be allowed to self-carry and self-administered emergency medication as long as appropriate self-carry form is received by the clinic. The form must be completed and include all required signatures.
Mexia ISD personnel will not administer any medication that are not FDA approved. this includes but is not limited to herbal substances, anabolic steroids and dietary supplements. Exceptions may be granted if prescribed by a physician and required bye the IEP or Section 504 plan of a student with disability. Reliable information must be provided in writing and signed by the prescribing physician regarding the safe use of the product including side effects, toxicity, drug interactions and adverse effects.
In accordance with the Nurse Practice Act; Texas Administrative code, Section 217.11, the Registered Nurse and the licensed Vocational Nurse have the responsibility and authority to refuse to administer medications that, in the nurse's judgment, are contraindicated for administration to the student.