Board of Trustees
The Mexia ISD School Board acts as the school district’s policy-making body and is the official representative of the people for all public education in Mexia ISD. The Board functions according to state and federal laws, the rules and regulations established by the State Board of Education, the Texas Education Agency and the will of the people as expressed in district elections.
The seven-member board, while composed of individuals, acts officially only as a group. No member or group of members acts in the name of the Board unless authorized by the Board. A majority of the Board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. Individual trustees, serving without pay, are elected for three-year terms.
The School Board holds regular board meetings the third Monday of each month beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Mexia ISD Administration Building. The public is invited to attend. For more information, please contact the MISD Administration Office at 254-562-4000.

Place | Board Member | Position | Next Election |
1 | William T. (Bud) Shamblin | Member | May 2025 |
2 | Benjie Reed | President | May 2025 |
3 | W.H. (Bill) Lowry | Member | May 2025 |
4 | Marty Cargile | Member | May 2023 |
5 | Lisa Lauderdale | Member | May 2023 |
6 | Jackie Craig | Vice President | May 2024 |
7 | Ron Fowler | Secretary | May 2024 |

Benjie Reed (President)
I attended Mexia I.S.D. and graduated in 1970. I then attended Texas Tech University and played football for the Red Raiders until I was injured. I then transferred to Baylor University and graduated from that university in 1975 with a bachelor’s degree. After graduating I was then accepted into Baylor Law School and graduated in June, 1977 with a doctorate degree. I have been practicing law in Mexia, Texas since 1977.
I am married to Robilyn Reed and we have three children, Justin Reed, Allyson Stanton and Valarie Friday. We have six beautiful grandchildren, Valdon, Hawkins, Emma, Ellie, Kaytavee, and Gracilyn. I enjoy spending time with my children and grandchildren as often as possible.
My son, Justin Reed, is also an attorney and works with me in my office. We are partners with my brother, Bobby Reed, and my nephew, Stephen Reed. Bobby and Stephen have an office in Groesbeck, Texas. The name of our firm is Reed & Reed, LLP.
I am a member of First Baptist Church of Mexia and enjoy singing gospel music as a member of the Bradley Quartet in our church and at any other event where we may be requested to sing.
I enjoy going to our farm and working cows with my son and my brother.

Jackie Craig (Vice President)
Graduate of Rusk High School
Attended Tyler Commercial College
Dallas Institute of Funeral Service
Established mobile concession stand
Dorsey-Keatts Funeral Home – Embalmer and Funeral Director
H.E.B. – Grocery retail, GM/Drugstore Manager
Member of Northcrest Church of Christ
City of Mexia – Board of Adjustment
Mexia ISD Board of Trustees – 2012 – Present
Established Craig 3 Scholarship for High School Seniors
Established James “Tootie” Craig Scholarship for High School Seniors
Assist H.E.B. with fundraisers and participates in events for: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation (JDRF); March of Dimes; United Way; and, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Awareness
“My personal motto for our district is this: Mexia ISD – Where every child is extraordinary. All we have to do is simply JUST BELIEVE!” - Jackie Craig

Ron Fowler (Secretary)
Graduate of Mexia High School
Associate Degree from Navarro College
Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of North Texas
Master of Education Degree from Stephen F. Austin University
United States Air Force - four years
Mexia State Supported Living Center (Retired) - Thirty - eight years of service
Accounting Director for MSSLC, Regional Accounting Director for Austin, Denton, and Mexia facilities, Assistant Director of Administration for MSSLC
Navarro College - member of adjunct faculty, teaching classes in financial and managerial accounting for fifteen years.
Mexia Independent School District - served as school board member for six years
Member of First Baptist Church
City of Mexia, served as a board member for the Gibbs Memorial Library and the Parks and Recreation Board
Mexia Baseball Association, served as board member and coach for over fifteen years
Mexia Public Schools Museum and Ex-Student Assoc., current board member
Member of the Lake Mexia Citizens Associations.
“I am a proud graduate of Mexia ISD and want nothing but the best for our students."

W.H. (Bill) Lowry
BA In Math/Physics
Masters in Educational Administration
PhD in Educational Administration
Taught at the public school, junior college and university levels
Retired after 34 years as Superintendent of Mexia State School
Served as Board Member and/or officer of numerous organizations
I have been happily married to my wonderful wife, Cynthia, for 49 years. We have four sons, all are graduates of Mexia ISD, 12 grandkids, and 1 great grandson. I enjoy ranching, outdoor family activities, and watching our grandkids play ball.

Marty Cargile
Sam Houston State University, BA in Political Science
Carry-On Trailer – 9 years: Shipping Manager, General Manager
Southern Traditions – 3 years: Purchasing Manager, Plant Manager
Member of First Presbyterian Church of Mexia
Member of Mexia EDC Board of Directors
Coach for Mexia Little League Baseball, Mexia Little Dribblers, and Mexia Flag Football
I graduated from Mexia High in 1997 and am a proud Blackcat. I married my wife, Ashley, who is a 2002 graduate of Mexia High. We have been married for 11 years and have 2 children. Aaden is 8 and Kendall is 4. I enjoy spending time with my family, watching Blackcat football, and coaching little league.

Lisa Lauderdale
Graduated from Mexia High School in 1983
Bachelor of Arts SFASU in 1987
Master of Education SFASU in 2010
Mexia ISD 1987-2011
Marlin ISD 2011-2014
Mexia ISD 2014-2019
Member of First Baptist Church
Ducks Unlimited Committee Member
FBC CLC Director
Spending time with grandchildren, traveling, camping, cardio dancing
Married to Kelly (MHS class of 1980) since 1986. We have two daughters, Tareyn (MHS class of 2009) who lives in Casper, Wyoming, with husband Luke and daughters Cora and Cate, and Riley (MHS class of 2011) who lives in Tyler, Texas, with husband Kevin and son Teddy.

William T. (Bud) Shamblin
Graduated from Mexia High School in 1967
Served in U.S. Army 1969 – 1971; stationed in Germany for 19 months as Military Policeman
Graduated from TSTC in Waco in 1974 with Associate Degree in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology
Mexia State School for 22 years in Maintenance Department
TDCJ for 18 years in Maintenance Department and retired in 2015
Continue to work part-time in A/C and Refrigeration maintenance
Served on MISD Board 1996-2002
Member of First Baptist Church - Serving on Deacon body and various committees, involved in several youth recreational activities as coach and/or officer for 16 years
Currently serve on Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors of Mexia
Elected to MISD Board May 2018
Enjoy spending time with family, especially grandchildren and their many activities, traveling and enjoy having time to offer help to people in need.
Married to Marilyn for 45 ½ years, two grown sons, Eric, Mexia class of 1997, and wife, Kristin live in Mexia and have 3 sons, Caleb, Ethan and Derek, and Brandon, class of 2001, and wife, Terry Lind live in New Braunfels and have 4 children, Jackson, twin girls Cora and Tessa, and Weston