Mexia Public Schools Museum & Alumni Association

Hours: 10AM-12PM on the 1st Saturday of each month OR by special request
Address: 616 N. Red River, P.O. Box 1044, Mexia, Texas 76667
Phone: 254-562-4000
Facebook Page: Mexia Public Schools Museum & Alumni Association (NOTE: This Facebook page is not maintained or monitored by and is not representative of or associated with Mexia ISD.)

The museum would like to welcome you as our guest. We are located in the Mexia ISD Administration Building, upstairs in the west wing, formerly the old high school. The museum began in 1997 and is operated by volunteers and supported by donations and membership. We are a tax exempt organization operating under by-laws and a board of directors. The museum is one of the largest of its kind in the state. We provide an annual scholarship program along with awards at Homecoming and Open House.
The museum hosts a wide collection of memorabilia and items offering alumni the opportunity to travel back in time and enjoy those precious school years. Among some of the many things displayed are: senior class boards, yearbooks, awards, trophies, news articles, etc. Class cases also display items and pictures from each class year. These are designed and maintained by each class. Lastly, the museum displays areas representing: band, sports, military, FFA, cheerleaders, drama, academics, history of Mexia, Dunbar school, successful people and numerous other groups. You're sure to find something that brings back your special memory.